Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finland Success

September 25 & 26, 2009 - Lucie travels to Finland and wins the CC, the international CACIB and Best of Breed under Swedish judge Åke Cronander. She then goes on to win the Group and Best In Show 3 under Swedish judge Kurt Nilsson. Beautifully handled by her co-owner, Åge Gjetnes.
With this win, Lucie adds 2 more titles to her name becoming Finnish and Nordisk Champion.
Way to go Lucie!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Amanda in Atlanta

September 20, 2009 - Amanda travels to Atlanta with Camilla and wins her first U.S. point with Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex. Judge was David Samuelson.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jonas Finishes!!

September 13, 2009 - Jonas, Elsto Khariz Abracadabra, finishes his Norwegian championship under judge Marit Sunde from Norway at the International Show in Stavanger, Norway.
Congratulations! Jonas is the third to finish from the Neo/Annie litter.

Poodle Club Anniversary Show - Norway

September 12, 2009 - Lucie wins the Breed at the Poodle Club Anniversary Show and is 4th Best In Specialty. Judge was Mhairi Aikman.

September 13, 2009 - At the Stavanger International the next day, Lucie repeats her Best of Breed win and goes on to 3rd in the Group. Judge for Breed was Gajic Zeljko and Group Judge was Arne Foss.

Thanks to Lucie's breeder for handling her to these wins.